Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Every civilization have laws and without them the civilization would be uncontrollable. Thats why we have laws, but different countries have different laws and are more strict about them. We have laws so that people don't do the wrong things such as murder, steeling drunk trafficking, drugs, etc. Hammurabi's Code has many of the strictest laws I've ever seen, yet for some of them I agree.
You know when people steal, we almost always just send them of to jail. But in Hammurabi's Code, they execute you. The laws maybe very strict, but that was in the past. The thing about almost of the laws is that they all  have an execution in them. 

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Gun,Germs and Steel

On Monday we watched a video based on the book Guns, Germs and Steel. It was about people who lived life sort of like ape men, and as time swept by the people changed their lifestyle from hunting to farming. But before they went to farming, they ate barley from wheat and other things for protein, but there wasn't enough protein in those resources so they ate giant spiders that were three inches large. They woke up early in the morning to farm everyday. Just like my uncle Mun, he got up early every morning to take care of his orchard. He had to work in the the hot sun with a few other people. But for the people in Papuanew Guinea they worked with almost everybody in the civilization.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Life Evolving Around Technology

People's lives have been evolving around technology as it has been improving from the radio to the Black and white screened TV to the colored screened TVs. In the past we would use sticks and fire to microwave food. But now with just one touch of a button, we can microwave our food with barely any effort. Since technology is ever improving, we'll have airplanes thats as fast as lightning and can make a full circle around the earth without ever having to stop 80-200 years from now.