Saturday, September 26, 2009

Orphan Boy- Curiosity

Is curiosity good or bad? In the story of Orphan boy, it speaks of an old man who comes across a lonely small boy named Kileken who has special powers.
During the drought, the cattles were well fed by the boy. Thus the old man was
curious. But Kileken said "you must never seek to know... discover my secret will be the end of your good fortune." But the old man was overwhelmed with curiosity. 
He discovered Kileken's secret and Kileken "exploded into a star." The old man knew he had abused the boy's trust. True enough the old man returned to his lonely and poor life. Is it really that important to always know the truth? I guess in the old man's case, it's not.

1 comment:

Claire said...

Interesting - I liked where the last sentence was going. The rest of the writing sounded more like a retell of Orphan Boy than an exploration of curiosity. What happened to a look at Pandora? Interesting images.Source them please.